LICE STOOD FROWNING WHILE THE PORTLY MAN chortled, rolling around on the floor. Once he had quite finished, he stood up, brushed off his trousers and inspected her through the looking glass. This proved too much for him to handle, and he fell to the floor again, laughing.
“Please sir! It is not funny. I only mean to go home,”
Alice pleaded.
The portly man could hardly speak through his laughter, “Ho-ho-home! Through the lo-lo-looking gla-ah-ah-ass!”
Alice could see it was no use trying to reason with such a figure. She sat on the ground, with her arms and legs crossed. Waiting patiently.
It took a good few minutes for the portly man to steady himself. Finally composing himself he pocketed the looking glass.
“Well I know nothing about going home. But this here, this looking glass. I’m taking it to auction today. I was here looking for my ticket. Come with me silly girl, if you wish for this looking glass, you’ll have to bid.”
And with that he scurried off, his round belly bobbing up and down as he did. And Alice had no choice but to follow.